Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit

You are eligible for compensation if you:

Were diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer

Used Baby Powder regularly


Do You Qualify

For an Ovarian Cancer Settlement?

Use the form below to learn if you are eligible for compensation for your ovarian cancer diagnosis.

If you or a loved one has ovarian cancer, you deserve justice. You can get compensation through an ovarian cancer lawsuit with the help of our experienced ovarian cancer attorneys.

Can I Sue for Ovarian Cancer?

You can sue for talcum powder-caused ovarian cancer if you reach specific qualifications that give you legal status to file a claim. Women suffering from ovarian cancer caused by talcum powder products are suing and have been winning court cases, by demonstrating that the manufacturers did not warn the consumers of the risks.

If you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, consider whether the factors discussed further apply in your case to help you ascertain whether you can file a lawsuit against a talcum powder production company:

  • Have you tested positive for Ovarian Cancer?
  • Were you a regular female user of Talcum powder?
  • Have you used a Johnson and Johnson baby/talc powder product?
  • Is there any proof in this biopsy report suggesting the use of talcum powder?
  • Any history of ovarian cancer in the family?

The above list is not exhaustive, there are also other qualifications depending on the case. If you do not meet all of the above-mentioned qualifications, there may still be a strong case to claim compensation. Consulting with a lawyer who is experienced with ovarian cancer and talcum powder lawsuits can help you determine whether you have reasonable reason and proof to pursue a lawsuit and possibly get the damages for your injuries and any losses.

In order to prove that the talcum powder has been defective, your attorney will probably need to draw from the medical, science investigation provided on this topic. Because you probably used talcum powder for years or decades on a rather regular basis, it’d be difficult, if not impossible, to test a product you used a while ago.

What Types of Cancer Does Talcum Powder Cause?

Ovarian cancer is not the only type of cancer caused by talcum powder usage. Studies have linked daily use of talcum powder to ovarian cancer, mesothelioma, fallopian tube cancer, and other cancers — and juries are identifying responsible companies such as Johnson & Johnson. The research results are mixed, and a definitive answer has yet to be found by the medical community. Yet consumers need to be aware of the possible cancer risks associated with talcum powder products.

Not all products made from talcum powder are the reason for concern. Asbestos is the key major concern for talcum powder products which cause cancer, according to the FDA. This is a mineral that occurs naturally and can be found in the earth close to talcum. Talcum powder may contain hazardous material, depending on the mining site and the proximity of asbestos.

Numerous numbers of women and families have been filing lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder around the U.S. These concerns and claims are based on the company’s inability to warn consumers of the dangers associated with the use of talc-based powders and other products. These claims led to lawsuits in the multidistrict.

Does Talcum Powder Cause Ovarian Cancer?

Companies have been promoting talcum powder for several years stating it helps reduce friction, is gentle on the skin, and gives a clean, pleasant scent.

The use of talcum powder in over 4,000 women with and without ovarian cancer was analyzed in a new study in the journal Epidemiology. The findings showed that the use of talcum powder in the genital region could increase the risk of ovarian cancer for a woman by 33%, particularly in cases where the powder was used every day.

The powder may go to the ovaries via the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Because of talc composition, the body normally cannot discharge the tiny powder particles. Then there may be embedded in the ovarian tissue. The embedded particles can, over time, cause cancerous tumors to grow.

Meanwhile, the American Cancer Society indicates that if you are concerned about developing ovarian cancer, it may be advisable to stop or limit the use of products containing talc.

What Side Effects Does Talcum Powder Cause?

The use of talcum powder has several side effects. Some side effects include:

  • Pain in Chest
  • Throat issues
  • Problems with blood pressure
  • Facial muscle twitches
  • Nausea
  • Inhaling issues

Some serious risks that are possible include:

  • Damaging lungs
  • Causing Asthma
  • Causing pneumonia
  • Mesothelioma
  • Ovarian Cancer

Can a Lawyer Help With My Talcum Powder Lawsuit?

If you’re serious about filing a Talcum Powder Case over your ovarian cancer development or any other health concern related to the use of a talcum powder product (like baby powder), getting the right lawyer will make a major difference in the result. Lawyers working in these kinds of lawsuits should know the ins and outs of the law and are also used to dealing with major companies such as Johnson & Johnson (and the massive legal teams that support them).

Our lawyers fully comprehend the rights and dignity of the injured, the wronged, and the debilitated, even when it means taking on a business that puts profits above human lives. Our talcum powder lawyers have the expertise, the experience, and the skills to ensure your argument is made persuasively and your voice is heard before the law.

How Much Is My Talcum Powder Settlement Worth?

If you have chosen to file a case about health problems caused by baby powder or some other talc product, you are wondering exactly about the worth of your case. How do you place a dollar figure on the harm from potentially unsafe products like this? What particular losses will be covered by a cancer settlement or court award or other health issues associated with talc products? These are some of the questions in your mind at the moment.

Any case’s worth depends on several factors. To assess the financial compensation you may receive, a jury will weigh those factors and review all available evidence. The factors which they will examine include:

  • The type of cancer you have developed and what is the current stage
  • How long will the treatment take and what is required
  • Proof suggesting a connection between your cancer and usage of talcum powder
  • Witness affidavits supporting that the talcum powder caused cancer
  • Financial proof such as shopping receipts showing regular purchase of talcum powder products
  • Notes from your physician on the cancer treatment

Depending on the seriousness of your condition and the above factors, you will be entitled to claim compensation for:

  • Healthcare/Medical costs
  • Expenses that were out of pocket
  • Loss of wages
  • Any long term disability
  • Impairment caused
  • Losing quality of life
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Psychological trauma

Your talcum powder attorney will help you negotiate this aspect of the case and determine how much you deserve compensation. There’s no way to estimate the exact amount, but we’ll try to cover all of your past and future expenses so you don’t have to pay extra for something in the future. We will fight to make sure that the negligent party will compensate you for your losses and be held responsible for their acts.

Recent Talcum Powder Lawsuit Award

There have been some recent multi-million dollar lawsuits brought against Johnson & Johnson by the relatives of women who suffered ovarian cancer and others who developed mesothelioma due to talcum powder use.

In July 2018, the St. Louis jury granted $4.14 billion in damages and around half a billion dollars in compensatory damages to 22 women who claimed that Johnson & Johnson’s talc products had led to their ovarian cancer.

The plaintiffs’ counsel said that six of the 22 victims had died of cancer, while the remaining 16 were in the courtroom when the verdict was announced. Johnson & Johnson vowed that the decision would be appealed.

Several studies and reports have revealed over the years that ovarian cancer is closely tied to the use of Talcum Powder. Research suggests that the use of talcum powder in the genital region tends to increase some women’s risk for ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is a killer that impacts women’s cancers and is a leading cause of more deaths than any other female reproductive cancer

Talcum Powder Lawsuit

A talcum powder lawsuit is one where the usage of talcum powder products leads to the development of ovarian cancer amongst its consumers. These products are generally used for personal hygiene. The producers of these products’ failure to tell the consumers about the risks of ovarian cancer, mesothelioma, and other types of cancers make them responsible.

Generally, product producers have a duty to warn purchasers of their product of any potential risks that might be encountered through its use. A manufacturer who does not give proper warning of known dangers associated with a product’s intended and reasonably foreseeable uses may be responsible for any harm caused by the product to the consumers

In the United States, thousands of talcum powder lawsuits have been lodged against large manufacturers such as the famous Johnson & Johnson, by mostly women or relatives of those who have developed cancer due to the usage of talcum powder products.

Most of the plaintiffs who have won larger amounts from talcum powder manufacturers have had ovarian cancer lawyers to represent them in court. Talcum powder lawsuits are complex lawsuits which are why hiring an experienced lawyer is essential. It may be enticing to handle your case but it takes time and knowledge of the law to prepare court briefs and serve a summons. Even gathering your medical records is difficult as the time required for doctor’s offices and hospitals varies from state to state.

Who Can File a Talcum Powder Lawsuit?

If you have ovarian cancer, mesothelioma, or some other cancer and have been exposed to talcum powder, you can file a talcum powder lawsuit, particularly if the specifics of your case match the specified requirements. Members of the family may also be eligible to file a lawsuit in certain instances. However, our lawyers will review your case and determine your eligibility to file a talcum powder lawsuit. Wrongful death lawsuits can also be filed by family members of the deceased victim who had suffered cancer as a result of the usage of talcum powder.

What is the Time Limit for Filing a Talcum Powder Lawsuit?

If after using talcum powder you want to file a talcum powder lawsuit for your diagnosis of cancer against a negligent company, the period differs in every state. You must follow a two-year statute of limitations in some States. A statute of limitations is a time limitation period for taking action against another party. You must file your injury within two years of the date. If you want to file a lawsuit after two years the judge will probably deny your case.

How Long Can A Talcum Powder Lawsuit Potentially Take To Resolve?

An exact period cannot be determined since every case is unique. The timeframe for such cases varies enormously. Some cases can be resolved in one year while others may last for more than ten years. In general, these cases usually take several years to resolve. The compensation for these claims is influenced by several factors including as discussed above, but not limited to, type of talcum powder, a period of use, the severity of the injury, age, pre-cancer health, and state of resident status.

There have been only a few bellwether trials in this litigation as yet, so we cannot give any valuation estimates for those cases.

Getting help from Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit Attorneys

As with other cancer patients, women who develop ovarian cancer also experience significant economic and non-economic losses. Victims should be aware that contacting a talcum manufacturer is not enough and demanding money for their losses. These kinds of cases are incredibly difficult, and an experienced lawyer must be hired for support.

If you or your loved one is suffering from one of these health problems because of the use of talcum powder, please contact our law office and we will help you recover for your losses incurred.

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